31 January 2010

I am blessed. I am well & truly blessed! :) I am so thankful for the great family with which God's blessed me, as well as my amazing friends. :D

30 January 2010

I'm trying to ignore more bad news from today & focus on Habakkuk 3:17-19. Also, any ideas if I have a celebrity doppelgänger? Hmm!
Going to work soon. Again, sorry about that invite! I'll look a lot more closely next time. :S

29 January 2010

Had a very lazy day, except for work, & now is ready for whatever the evening ahead holds.
Definitely time for bed! It's been an emotionally & spiritually exhausting day, but well worth it. :D

28 January 2010

Is both looking forward to & dreading the evening. FS is tough, but it'll be well worth it in the end. Pray for us there, please! Thanks.
Yay! Chilliwack's #17 on today's Monopoly Canada Cities vote leaderboard! :D Whoohoo! :D

25 January 2010

i just realised that it's FAR too late to play a rousing game of Dublin Race. Oh, but it's so much fun & I always end up laughing! :D
I am always amazed at how quickly a cat can switch modes. One moment, frantically playing with his cat nip mouse. The next instant, just sitting.

23 January 2010

I hope this headache goes away SOON! So tired of the fatigue of migraines & the agony terrible ones cause. At least Dub's a comfort!

20 January 2010

96% in Food Safe! :) Yay! :D

19 January 2010

I'm home for the night. A busy day tomorrow, including the second & last part of my Food Safe Course.
Off to the first of two Food Safe sessions soon. Then I'll be officially certified. Or am I already officially certifiable? :P haha
I'm off to take recycling away & to take some self portraits for one of my FB events. Yes, I'm Wearing Red For Haiti today! Are you?

18 January 2010

Please forgive me for feeling a bit smug, but it's been 2 weeks today since I had my last pop. Whoohoo! :D I really CAN do it! :D

17 January 2010

I'm still wondering about scuff marks & laughing at the remembrance of Dublin with a piece of popcorn stuck to his nose. :D
It's weird! I look down on the floor & there are black scuff marks, & I have absolutely no idea how they got there. Hmm!
I'm still very, very tired after falling into bed a little after 4 AM & then falling asleep sometime around 5 AM, but last night was THE best! :D

13 January 2010

Hey gang! Hope you guys don't mind, but I thought I'd send out a message to a few people to ask for prayer. You all came to mind as I was praying about who to send this to! I have an appointment this Friday at 1:30 PM (PST) to talk to my family doctor about how the last year and a half has been going as I have been dealing with bladder issues and more with a couple of specialists. Two more doctors have been added to the mix in the last few months, which has been a good thing, just exhausting along with everything else that has taken place. I have specific concerns to talk about and I need his advice on how to address these issues with my current "main" urologist who has been spearheading my care. I would really appreciate your prayers for wisdom, discernment and the words to say what I need to. I want to be accurately heard in all of this and establish good working boundaries and trust with these men. Please pray that my GP and urologist will be wise and mature as they listen and respond. Thanks so much in advance for your prayers!!
India Foxtrot Yankee Oscar Uniform Charlie Alpha November Uniform November Delta Echo Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha November Delta Tango Hotel India Sierra, Charlie Oscar Papa Yankee Alpha November Delta Papa Alpha Sierra Tango Echo Tango Oscar Yankee Oscar Uniform Romeo Sierra Tango Alpha Tango Uniform Sierra.
There's something great about helping others - I just wish I could do more than pray for Haiti, although that's THE most important thing.

12 January 2010

Praying for Haiti - Jenny, Willem & Beth, Marc & Lisa, & all others down there, residents as well as aid workers.
No, Dublin! You are NOT going outside when you're this excited! No matter how many times you're hanging off the door's window curtain. Now, calm down, DubDub!

11 January 2010

Run, Dublin, Run! HA! Caught ya! :D
Blech! Still under the weather, but it's always worse in the morning, & then, by the end of the day, better. *SIGH!* Just want it over with.
Blech! Still under the weather, but it's always worse in the morning, & then, by the end of the day, better. *SIGH!* Just want it over with.

10 January 2010

Just had a great meal provided by Mom &, hopefully, a copy of "Corner Gas" season 5 that'll fully work! This is the 3rd - HAS to work! :P
It'll be great to have all this coughing over! My sincerest apologies to my landlord & landlady if I kept you awake or woke you up early this AM - it's hard to be quiet when you're coughing up a storm.

09 January 2010

It's a great evening for doing laundry & relaxing, as well as for cats to be out on their harnesses, if they do such things. :D

08 January 2010

I'm ready for a nice, mute evening, watching a movie or two, reading a book. Dub's now calm & ready for my lap. *SIGH!* Good time for me! :D
Thankful to say, my throat's much less croaky & tender than yesterday, although still not 100%. & Dub's in his insane time of day. :P

07 January 2010

Light blue with red, along with red hearts surrounding by pink & white.
I'm just going to take it easy today & rest my very croaky & tender throat. No wind for me!

06 January 2010

'Twas great to meet with Heather again this evening. Always a blessing, & one of the best ways to end the day. :D
Cool! I can watch "Coronation Street" episodes online! So I can catch up to Britain. Is that cheating, though, if it's already out there...?
Time to stay in now from that wind - literally got right in me & took my breath away, & would've bowled even me over. Now - time for a long, HOT bath.
I'll be going out for that first walk soon. I'm tempted to NOT go with all the wind, but I also have errands to do. Good stuff they're here.

05 January 2010

I just found something out that blew me away. Makes me realise how old I am, though I certainly don't feel that way. Is age all in my head?
I wasn't fully awake until Dublin was freaking out at the dogs just outside my bedroom window. Why does he keep going back for more?

04 January 2010

I'm going offline early tonight - for myself - because I have to be at work much earlier tomorrow - inventory. Talked about "early" in my blog, too.
Dublin's antics are keeping me amused on this wet day when it's too dreary to go outside unless I absolutely have to. Like to work later.

03 January 2010

Word for 2010 - challenge.
I just remembered that there are certain shows I can watch online - like CSI - so I don't have to miss them without satellite or cable. Hmm!
I really, really am going off the computere right now. At least for a little while. Really, Nancy! I am! TRULY!!!! :P
Grr! Got up too late this morning! Dub's out on his harness, & I'm here at the 'puter. What else is new? :P
Yawn! Time for bed. G'night & sleep tight!

02 January 2010

Yes, I did eventually get up & go to work. Then I came home, washed myself in the tub, ate supper, & am now doing some 'net stuff before I sit & read away the rest of the evening.
Good mornin' to you! Good morning' to you! Yeah, OK. I'm going back to bed! (still very, very sleepy)
Yes, I'm a cat mom - I admit it! & happy to say it, too! :D Have....to....stay....away....from....CatChannel.com!

01 January 2010

I didn't go out last night - which is fine! :) - but I'll be making up for it tonight. Don't know yet what I'm doing, but with good friends.
I had some unexpected company today, & they just left. Now I'm waiting for Mom & Dad while I smell the wonderful aroma of homemade baked beans. Mmmm! :D
A new day & a new year - good combo of new things. Looking forward to what'll happen - good it'll be, if I keep my attitude good. :)
After what seems like years, or at least months - days, maybe? & this is so - I have finished going through over 14,100 unread e-mails. Time for bed!
Cliche, yeah, but Happy New Year!!!! :D Here's hoping 2010's the best year of all to date! Holly M, this includes U 2, Hawaii girl!
Cliche, yeah, but Happy New Year!!!! :D Here's hoping 2010's the best year of all to date! Holly M, this includes U 2, Hawaii girl! <3